5 Simple Habits to Stay Healthy During This Pandemic

We’re living with a lot of unknowns right now. But I’m determined more than ever to stay positive, focus on what I can control, and help YOU do the same.

It’s going to be so easy to just curl up on the couch, eat your feelings, and forget about your health.

But now more than ever it’s important that we focus on our health both physically and mentally.

A lot of us are finding ourselves with some extra time on our hands so what a great opportunity to focus on some core habits to help you come out of these crazy times stronger, healthier, and happier.

We have the power to choose how we react in this situation. Let’s choose hope and joy, and focus on what we can control. 

Today I want to encourage you with 5 simple habits to stay healthy both physically and mentally during this pandemic.

Click here to watch the full interview where I share these 5 simple habits to stay healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Click here to watch the full interview where I share these 5 simple habits to stay healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

.01 Go for a walk outside:

This one simple habit has helped our family tremendously. We are not only moving our bodies but it’s been mentally refreshing to be outside to get fresh air, a change of scenery, and some Vitamin D. 

.02 Eat your fruits + veggies:

I’m a nutritionist so of course, nutrition is going to come into play here! It’s so important that you focus on nutrition right now to boost your immune system and keep it strong, so you’re able to fight anything if you were to get sick. It’s important that you’re PROACTIVE and fueling your body with lots of whole foods to make your immune system strong. Try to add in at least 2 servings of fruits + 3 servings of veggies a day. But the more the better!

.03 Do something you love every day:

Make sure you’re leaving room for YOU and do something you love like reading a book, taking a bath, working on your hobby, or consider trying something new. This will do wonders for you mentally and help you stay in touch with the things that make you happy.

.04 Drink your H20:

Staying hydrated is so important. I know it seems like a no brainer but ask yourself if you drink enough water in a day and I bet most will answer with a no. Even slight dehydration can cause headaches, sleepiness, and sugar cravings. Aim for at least 8 glasses a day.

.05 Sleep:

Sleep is often so easily overlooked but it’s vital to get enough sleep to keep your immune system strong. Lack of sleep suppresses our immune system. In fact, you're 3-5xs more likely to get sick if you haven’t gotten enough sleep. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night. 

I recommend doing these 5 simple habits every single day to stay healthy + happy. But if that seems overwhelming, pick 1 or 2 to focus on right now. Small steps lead to big results so no excuses, mmmmk?!

And if you need a little extra help, join the hundreds in The Daily 8 Challenge. It’s a free challenge where we are being intentional and creating simple foundational habits that will help you both mentally and physically. There are live workouts, nutrition tips, recipes, accountability, community, support, and so much more! You can join for free here!


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