5 Healthy Habits for Memorial Day Weekend

Whether you’re ready for Memorial Day or not it’s here. I’m in the “or not” camp because it definitely snuck up on me. This year will definitely be different but I’ve come to realize that we can make the most of every situation if we choose to look at the positive side of things. 

So whether you’re grilling out at home with just your family, having a social distancing style gathering, or somewhere in between I hope it’s a time full of laughter and special memories.

5 healthy habits

It’s so easy to forget our health goals when it comes to holidays. So I have five healthy habits to help you maintain a healthy balance during your Memorial Day celebration.

snack board

Eat well

Make your food choices as healthy as possible by loading up on veggies and fruits. And if you’re going somewhere bring a healthy option like a big veggie salad, watermelon slices, or a fun snack board so you know there’s something healthy to eat. 

Loading up on healthy food will leave less room for junk on your plate and in your stomach. Just because it’s the holiday doesn’t mean you have to overeat and feel bloated and crummy the next day.

Click the image above to watch my May 22, 2020 interview on Good Morning Iowa where I talked about these healthy habits for Memorial Day.

Click the image above to watch my May 22, 2020 interview on Good Morning Iowa where I talked about these healthy habits for Memorial Day.

Be grateful 

If we’re not careful, we can overlook the whole reason we celebrate Memorial Day. It’s a holiday to remember those who paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we have in this country.

Whether you have a loved one who died serving our country or not, take a moment to be thankful for their sacrifice and the freedoms we enjoy today.

importance of exercise

Be active

It’s so important we move our bodies. It’s good for your heart and it’s a great way to de-stress. 

Get creative and involve the whole family. Go for a family walk or bike ride. Or get the lawn games out or go old school and play a game of tag. 

There are so many activities you can do to involve the whole family. Plus, staying active helps with digestion and any bloating you might experience after your Memorial Day grill out.

gluten free cookie trifle

Indulge wisely

I’m all about balance. It’s important to allow yourself the freedom to enjoy indulgences in moderation. So if it’s something you REALLY love indulge but don’t overindulge. 

I also love to find or create healthier swaps when it comes to desserts. You’d be surprised how delicious a healthy dessert can be. 

One of my favorite summer desserts is a cookie trifle. They are so easy and super festive for Memorial Day. You just need a handful of ingredients too.

Mini Cookie Trifles

Makes 4

1 box simple mills crunchy chocolate chip cookies, crushed

1 container So Delicious Cocowhip

1 cup blueberries

1 cup strawberries, sliced

¼ cup chocolate chips

Layer each cup in this order: cookies, blueberries, Cocowhip, strawberries, and chocolate chips

Be mindful 

It’s easy to overindulge whether it’s a holiday or not. The key is to be mindful of what you’re eating and drinking. Mindless eating is bad news any day of the week but it’s especially easy to do on a holiday.

If you do indulge, don’t let it keep you stuck or feeling like you completely blew it with your health goals. It’s tempting to let it spiral out of control for a fews days, but instead, pick right back up the next day and start fresh.

Remember, one day isn’t going to ruin anything it’s the days and weeks that follow that keep you from reaching your goals.


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