5 Healthier “Green” Swaps to Try This St. Patrick’s Day

Okay, okay, this is going to be a little different than what you’re probably thinking for a St. Patrick’s blog post but I’m keeping with the “green theme” and sharing my top 5 favorite green items. 

I know when it comes to health products it can be a little tricky trying to figure out what’s actually “healthy” and what’s just been labeled in a way to make you think it’s healthy. Plus, I LOVE sharing healthier swaps to foods we typically consume so you can see that you don’t have to give up your favorite foods. 

Instead, you can just simply swap it out for healthier, better-for-you products. 

Here are five healthier "green" swaps to consider this St. Patricks Day.

What makes these items healthier? 

Good question! It all comes down to ingredients when I label a product “healthy” or not. But I do want to mention something: even though these options are healthier that doesn’t mean you can eat without being mindful or eat with abandon. 

Ice cream is still ice cream...even if it’s a healthier version. Same with snack foods. Remember, a healthy diet is one that’s full of whole, plant-based foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains. 

I’m all about finding balance. So, when it comes to snacks, choose a healthier version, but understand it’s still a snack. So, enjoy it sparingly.


Après has been a staple in my life for the past year and a half. They’ve helped me in so many situations: when I was super sick while pregnant with Shepherd, needing something fast while nursing, after a workout, saving me from overeating or hitting the drive-thru when I’m out running errands. 

These protein drinks pack a lot of nutrients and are gluten-free, dairy-free, have clean ingredients, and taste really yummy too. 

Après has four different flavors: mint chocolate, sea salt chocolate, vanilla bean, and cold brew coffee. I love them all, besides the cold brew coffee and that’s only because I’m not a coffee drinker (can’t handle caffeine...I know, weird) but everyone else who is loves the cold brew coffee. So many protein drinks upset my stomach but Après protein drinks are gentle and don’t make me feel bloated afterward. 

See why everyone is obsessed with them and use code LWL to save $10 off your order here.


Snacks. I hear that word so often I’m pretty sure I’m just numb to the word now. My girls LOVE snacking. Instead of goldfish or some other highly processed snack, I love giving my girls (and myself!) Barnana snacks. 

They have a really great mission to create less waste and use up the bananas no one wants to create their snacks. Plus, all their snacks have minimal ingredients, perfect for kids, and travel great too. 

We love all their snacks but our favorites are Barnana’s Acapulco Lime Plantain Chips, Toasted Coconut Chocolate Chip Banana Brittle, and the Original Banana Bites. 


Best Non Dairy Ice Cream Everrrrr. And I do not say that lightly. I’ve tried a lot of non-dairy ice creams and they are good but still missing that creamy factor. 

Cado is CREAMY and seriously tastes just like regular ice cream. Not to mention their flavors are on fire...well, not literally because then they’d all melt, and that would be a tragedy. Anywho, they are all so good and gluten-free...even their newest flavor, Cookies & Cream! 

Cado is based in Iowa (yay!) and what makes them so different is they use avocados in their ice cream. I PROMISE, it doesn’t taste a thing like avocados. Just creamy deliciousness. Most ice creams of 25+ grams per serving but Cado has 12 grams! Try all 8 of their flavors and be sure to report back which one is your favorite! 

Love Grown

Ever wonder why you eat a bowl (okay, let’s be real it’s more like 3-4 bowls) of cereal in the morning for breakfast and you’re starving in an hour? That’s not a coincidence. It’s because 99% of cereals on the shelves are full of sugar, little fiber, and zero nutrients. Now I don’t recommend eating cereal every day for breakfast but I do have small kids so sometimes for a special treat cereal is on the menu.

But instead of one that’s going to leave them famished 30 minutes later, I choose a healthier option like Love Grown. They’re not only gluten-free but also have 6 grams of plant protein and 5 grams of fiber (if you didn’t see my segment on fiber, check it out here, it’s a simple way to lose fat) AND only ONE GRAM OF SUGAR! Take that frosted flakes. Love Grown cereals are made from beans and brown rice too making it a simple but healthy swap.


Any soda addicts reading this?! I’ll save my shpeal about how soda isn’t good for you but you already know that, right? Glad we are on the same page!

Instead, I’ll give you a fun bubbly alternative to your soda addiction. Spindrift is bubbly carbonated water that’s made with real squeezed fruit. Which gives it an edge on other sparkling waters because it has more flavor from the actual fruit juice. 

Because it uses real fruit, it’s not completely calorie-free but it’s still low in sugar and only has 9ish calories (give or take depending on the flavor) per can. 

My husband, who used to be an avid soda drinker now prefers these and I love that he’s chosen a healthier swap! They have lots of flavors too, including lime, raspberry lime, orange mango, grapefruit, and pineapple.

What about you?

Don’t you love finding healthier swaps?! It’s one of my favorite past times. Being healthy doesn’t mean you have to miss out – just focus on making healthier swaps. And remember, little swaps do add up to big results!

Kara Swanson

About the author:

Kara Swanson is a certified nutritionist and founder of Life Well Lived. She is married to her best friend and the proud mother of three. Her passion is to make nutrition simple+easy+delicious!


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