5 Ways to Make a Resolution That Actually Lasts

Resolutions get a bad wrap and for good reason: research shows they won’t last past mid-January. So, let’s look at resolutions a little differently and break them down so you can actually make lasting changes. 

Successful resolutions come down to changing your habits. 


We all have habits, good or bad. Habits are the key to any change. But they’re the reason why people only keep their resolutions for two weeks. 

There is hope though, you can make lasting changes but it requires a handful of steps.

5 ways to make a lasting resolution

making new years resolutions in the kitchen

1. Start small

Often we have these grand ideas of how we’re going to change our health or lifestyle but we try to change too much too fast. This only results in no changes at all. Sadly, this is where so many end up just weeks into January. 

How to implement: Instead, start small. Pick 1-2 things you really want to focus on in the next few months.

2. Be specific

Next, be specific. The more specific you are the more likely you will do something because it removes the guesswork. 

I commonly hear friends and clients make vague resolutions of “working out more”, “eating healthier”, or “reading more”. But this doesn’t provide clear direction or a way to measure progress. 

How to implement: Instead of saying “ I want to work out more” say “I want to workout 4x a week”.

resolving to work out more

3. Break it down

This is where you take your “I want to work out 4x a week” resolution and break it down into tangible ways to actually achieve that goal. And remember, the more specific you are the better. Get specific and break down what “I want to work out 4x a week” looks like for you.

  • How many times a week are you going to work out?

  • When will you work out? 

  • Schedule it in your calendar just like you would a doctor’s appointment. 

  • What will you do for your workout?

  • How long will you workout? 

How to implement: Instead of stopping at “I want to work out 4x a week”, go one step further and answer the previous questions to break it down into tangible steps that will allow you o achieve your goal.

4. Be consistent 

Habits thrive on consistency. Doing it day in and day out so it becomes a part of your everyday routine. That’s why starting small is key. It’s much easier to be consistent and make lasting change when you’re only working on 1-2 habits at a time.

How to implement: Focus on changing 1-2 to things at a time so you remain consistent each day and avoid burnout.

change your mindset about resolutions

5. Shift your mindset

You’re in this for the long haul. Not some quick fix. The all-or-nothing mindset sabotages resolutions, diets, and anything to do with change. Find balance and get rid of the idea that you have to be perfect. Don’t give up if something doesn’t go completely as planned. Get back up and keep moving forward. 

How to implement: Eliminate the all-or-nothing mindset from your thinking. When you slip up, start back up right where you left off.

Make lasting resolutions this year

Implementing these five strategies will allow you to stick with your resolutions and achieve the change you’re hoping for.


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